Pearson Introduces Global Innovative Teacher Award

Oct 07, 2016

Attention Wall Street English Teachers! Winner receives all-expense paid trip to spring 2017 TESOL or IATEFL Conference.

In celebration of World Teacher Day, Pearson is introducing a new Global Innovative Teacher Award to recognize and celebrate great teaching practices and showcase innovative ways of teaching. The award is open to all Pearson ELT teachers and Wall Street English teachers. They are looking for teachers who have implemented innovative ways to motivate and inspire their students to achieve their learning goals. One special teacher from Wall Street English will win an all-expense paid trip to either the 2017 TESOL conference in Seattle in the USA in March or the IATEFL conference taking place from April 4 – 7 in Glasgow in the United Kingdom.

Inspiring Teachers

Part of what makes Wall Street English so special is our great teachers who work closely with their students every day to keep them motivated and on track. If you have found innovative ways to support your students or were able to inspire a student who was starting to fall off track, we want to hear your stories! We are looking for both what you did and the impact it had on your student(s). This is great opportunity to get recognized for your efforts! Teachers can also be nominated by colleagues for this award.

International Teacher Conferences

The IATEFL and TESOL conferences offer main sessions and workshops that showcase the latest trends and best practices for ESL teachers. These conferences support teacher development and offer a great way to network with other ESL professionals from around the world. Pearson is excited to be able to send teachers who embody teaching excellence to these events.